Canggu Circle

Situated in the scenic northwestern outskirts of Canggu & Pererenan Villages, a very well known as hot-spots of tourism area in Bali Island. The Villa compound is surrounded by green tropical scenery and spacious countryside of Tumbakbayuh village elegantly set in 1,000 sqm of well design landscaped featuring 6 individual of 2 and 3 bedrooms modern homey concept villa with private swimming pool. The place provides the opportunity for immersion in Balinese culture as well as an experience trips to see the local ceremonies, temples and gift shops. Our exclusive accommodation offering privacy with all the convenience of a full service hospitality while you enjoy a unique, homey and memorable experience vacation in Bali Island
1 br vila 5 unit
2 br vila 5 unit
3 br vila 1 unit
1300.000 idr/night/bf
1800.000 idr/night/bf
2500000 idr/night/bf
extra charge for peak season (29 dec-05jan)
——————high season (06 april-15 april)
——————————–(01 july-31 auust
600.000 idr/night
400.000 idr/night
children under 11 years is free of charge without breakfast
children 12 years is charged by extra bed